Holistic Wellness
You are unique
At Donna Bunte Whole Health I help you become self-aware, identify obstacles, create strategies for transforming goals into actions, and creating whole health for life
With my holistic approach to wellness, I look at all aspects of your life and your health from physical, mental, and emotional perspectives. I diagnose using my 25+ years of experience as a Chinese medical practitioner and my nutrition and health coaching knowledge to find the best treatment plan for you. Beginning with an in-depth consultation of your health history, I get to know you and discover your background, eating habits, stress, work, family situation, genetics, and family history, exercise, injuries, sleep habits, relaxation, and recreation – in order to determine how best to address your health issues and goals.
Each client is unique; therefore, your treatment is customized to your needs. My holistic wellness toolbox includes nutrition, lab testing, health coaching, detox cleanses, Chinese medicine, acupuncture, herbal medicine, and mind body exercises such as qigong and meditation. I will draw from these tools to guide you to realize your optimal health.
Contact me to make an appointment and begin your holistic wellness journey.